lunes, 19 de mayo de 2008

Cartel y Diseño

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2 comentarios:



Thank you for those wonderful political art for Tibet. I would love to collect them in large prints. Would you be able to send them in higher resolution? I will use them for personal use only. I will let you know of the images that I am interested in...
Nima Dorjee

Hola Manolo! Perdon por la tardanza se me habia olvidado por completo mandarte los carteles, ando con mil cosas en la cabeza. Bueno aca estan 2, puedes poner el que mas te agrade, estan hechos con las mascotas y pictogramas olímpicos. Felicitaciones por proponer acciones por una buena causa!

Hola, mi nombre es Ciro Adrián Jaumandreu y soy de Uruguay.
Al enterarme sobre esta convocatoria sentí que esta era mi oportunidad de poder hacer algo por Tibet.
Gracias por esta convocatoria
Free Tibet!!!

Dear Exa
The posters are AMAZING!! I cannot imagine such a compelling set of
images and messages that convey hope, anger, reality, fear, dependent
relationship -- and even humor!!
Please post again to the TSG-L when all submissions have been
completed so that we are reminded to see ALL of them.
Thank yo uagain to the many brilliantly creative artists who have
created contributions. THEY ARE AMAZING!!!
En solidaridad!

Ya vi los carteles.
Creo que la convocatoria fué un éxito. Ahora hay que hacerles publicidad para que la gente los vea.
Seguimos en contacto.
Gerardo Barrales

Tsowa-Maintenir la Vie (Tsowa-Life in english) is a french non-profit
association Itsn member. Its goal are humanitary help to tibetan
refugees in India & Nepal and also political actions.
How can we contact Sussy Taveras about the rights of its poster ?
Many thanks
Marie-France Garaude-Pasty
Website :

These are very good. I would love to wear some of them as T-shirts...
Perhaps suggest map of
greater Tibet for this image...
Thank you for sharing these with the group.

Dear friends,
A student from the Tibet House Mexico (and ITSN's member) launched an
initiative calling all mexican (and non-mexican) graphic designers who
wish to create posters that would help to raise awareness on the Tibet
issue. The initiative consists of creating a poster that would
represent the conflict that exists with China. This is not a contest
but it is intended to create a space for all people interested in
Tibet and social justice to express themselves.
The response has been good so far, and they have received some (quite
amazing) posters, if during these days they receive even more we are
thinking on maybe organizing a big event in which the general public
can take part and learn more about Tibet.
The posters are great and I invite you to visit the link, the deadline
has not passed which means they are still receiving more material, we
look forward to seeing all of them in a few days! The link is:

Este email que te copié se lo mandé a las 155 organizaciones Tibetanas
que pertenecen a nuestra red de apoyo al Tibet en todo el mundo, desde
Dinamarca hasta la India, hasta Taiwan, hasta Uruguay ... etc. la
intención es que sepan lo que se hace acá en México y que existe gente
joven con interés en crear conciencia en el asunto de Tibet. Yo estoy
interesada en ayudarte a organiazar una exposición, ITSN puede ayudar
de alguna forma, avísame cuando te lleguen todos los posters y
organizamos un evento/exposición, etc.
Un abrazo y manténme informada por favor!!
Exa Méndez
International Tibet Support Network (ITSN)
Latin America Coordinator
Red Internacional de Apoyo al Tibet (ITSN)
Coordinadora Regional
Ciudad de México

Plasck_art&design dijo...

Hola, todavia hay posibilidades de enviar mi propuesta de cartel???
Saludos y gracias!!!